Saturday, 29 September 2018 11:45

Training Tools

There are training resources in your Miaccount, log in and go to Resources, Business Info & Training. You will find a number of videos and pdf files that will give you lots of information.

You can also go to the You Tube link at the bottom of this page and you will find more videos about the Miessence products and some great interviews with Miessence representatives such as Arun Pradhan and Stephanie Brua.

Saturday, 29 September 2018 11:45

Understand the Comp Plan

Now you have joined Miessence, your website is all set up! Where to from here?

“Understand the Comp Plan”

Like any business you need to know how you make money from the products you sell. In Network Marketing, unlike a retail or service business, you can make (or miss out on) income in many ways from selling the same products to the same people. The key, of course, is to understand the comp plan and how to maximise your income relative to your comp plan.

Saturday, 29 September 2018 11:45

Your website settings

Assuming you have now joined as a Miessence representative, it is time to ensure you have your personal website settings optimised. In your MiAccount section you will find a tab PROFILE, head to this section and make sure all the details in Personal Details are correct. Remember to hit save if you make any changes.

Saturday, 29 September 2018 11:45

Start with a plan

Like any business you need a business plan. Fortunately this does not have to be a complicated 100 page document that you never look at again once you finish writing it.

Keep it simple and keep it updated every few months with your current goals. Based on your current commitments, you should have a plan of how much time you have per day, or week, to dedicate to your business.

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