Today, marketing activities go far beyond the those that have been used for decades. A good example is viral ads, i.e., short videos that spread around the web thanks to social media. Marketing specialists are also trying to reach people offline and promote brands and business in an unusual and original way. Custom patches are one of the ways of promoting a business. Why are they so popular?

Tuesday, 07 September 2021 12:19

Call center headsets – an essential work tool

 The popularity of call centers today results from one simple factor – our human nature.

In the conditions of quarantine, the question of how to establish the workflow without leaving the office and getting in danger of infection becomes more and more actual.

Saturday, 30 January 2021 11:43

Where can You buy Bitcoin safely?

In recent years, Bitcoin has continued to gain popularity, and many people, tempted by the dynamic price increase, are asking where to buy it. Are you also wondering how to become a Bitcoin owner? There are several ways - get to know them to make a safe purchase transaction for this cryptocurrency.

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